How far can you make a roasted chicken go?

Golden roasted chicken on a green plate with lemon wedges, illustrating how far you can make a roasted chicken go.

I roast quite a bit of chicken, especially when I am trying to stretch my food store dollars. When I take the time to plan it out, it always amazes me how far I can make that chicken go. I always serve the first meal as roasted chicken with hearty sides like roasted vegetables and mashed potatoes. After dinner, I pull, or shred, the rest of the chicken and I see how many more meals I can make out of the leftover meat.

This week, after we enjoyed our roasted chicken, I looked at my pantry items and decided on chicken noodle soup & chicken salad. Thats 3 meals for 2 people from one chicken and an extra helping of soup still left over. Not bad for a $13.00 investment! And lets face it…what is better than starting the week off with the smell of a chicken slowly roasting in the oven?

What is your favorite thing to make with leftover chicken?

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